Yesterday, we visited Moshav Nativ HaAsara along the Gaza border. We talked to a resident of the area and learned what life was like at the Moshav and practiced running to a bomb shelter. We also saw the decorated walls along the border. Next, we went to the Ayalon Institute, where we learned about the secret production of bullets in an underground facility in the 1940s. We shopped at the shuk (market) in Tel Aviv and bought plenty of pairs of “Israel pants” before heading to the hotel. We had Kabbalat Shabbat at the port in Tel Aviv and watched the sunset. Before the end of a long day, we exchanged the gifts we got for our Shabbat buddies.
We spent Shabbat morning in services (which included a yoga-inspired shema!) led by our very own Eva, and then embarked on a walking tour of the old, picturesque city of Jaffa. Shabbat lunch and rest followed, and then a long afternoon on the beach, playing in the waves and tanning (with sunscreen applied of course). We spent Havdalah singing and dancing outside our hotel, and celebrated Sam’s birthday with more singing and dancing plus sweets from the shuk we visited on Friday.
Shavua tov (a good week)!