Today, we started our morning at a late 9 AM (cheeeeeeers)! Thus began our drive to Haifa, stopping to herd some sheep and goats along the way. There was a huge challenge to be able to round up the animals, but a few of us managed to get them moving in a direction. After saying goodbye to muffin, we hopped back on the bus to finish our drive North. We took a few hours to eat lunch and shop at the “Grand Canyon” of malls in Israel. To continue our day, we listened to a beautiful talk from our very own counselor, Idan, who talked about his life as an Israeli, his connection to Judaism , and how his story could relate to us. We finished out our day by eating dinner at a local restaurant, which was founded and continues to be a leading start up to help the community. As we settle into bed, we look forward to spending our last couple days together in Acco/Haifa!
Until tomorrow,
Havaya Israel 2022