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A Day in Tel Aviv

Hello from Tel Aviv! Today we woke up at 6:30 to have breakfast at 7 and leave at 8. We started out on a secret spy mission on the streets of Tel Aviv. The spy mission was well run and random civilians popped out and turned out to be a part of the scavenger hunt. It was overall an amazing time and there were lots of drinks provided along the way. After that we visited the Carmel Shuk and bought gifts for our families, and food.

Next we went to the innovation center of Taglit (Birthright Israel) where we learned about the fascinating technology that Israelis created and perfected. We learned about a keen machine that helps people with sight disabilities to be able to have their surroundings spoken to them by a machine.

After the technology exhibit, we went to the Rabin museum which was extremely fascinating and helped us gain an understanding of the history of Israel and the history of Rabin. We then visited Rabin’s memorial and saw exactly where the murderer stood. Then we went back to the hotel and the people that weren’t visiting friends or relatives went to the beach, had dinner at the hotel and then got ice cream. Overall it was another amazing day in the most special place in the world!

– Gabe G.

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